Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Off to Work I Go...

(Brian): I started work this week. I am on a nine month “exchange program” at the Eidgenössische Bankenkommission (or EBK). The objective is to gain a better understanding of how the EBK operates, and to facilitate better coordination between the EBK and the Federal Reserve on bank supervisory issues. I’ll be working primarily with the group responsible for supervising Credit Suisse and UBS, the two largest Swiss banking institutions. I am told I will be treated as if I am part of the team; working on projects, meeting with bank management, and helping to formulate the team’s risk assessments.

Anyway, my first day was much like any first day at a new job. Spent time going around introducing myself, went to lunch with my new boss, and spent far too much time resolving computer issues. Most annoying computer problem: the IT people loaded my computer with the French version of MS Office. Apparently, they had been tipped off to the fact that I had studied French for four years in college and spent a semester in Brussels, Belgium. They logically assumed I could speak a little French -- but of course I can’t. Worst part was I couldn’t even navigate the toolbar. Little boy genius over here took 15 minutes to figure out how to open an email! Fantastic. There’s nothing like setting the expectations really, really low on your first day. The good part is my new coworkers seem very patient and understanding. And maybe, just maybe, I might pick up a little French over the next nine months… :)

1 comment:

Mom - Cheryl said...

HEYYyyy that is funny....you have to navigate your computer in FRENCH? Sounds like a second opportunity for a language immersion experience?

I'ld like to go further with this..in French of course...but alas I have even less language skill than you Brian.

Have a good day at work!