Friday, June 20, 2008

Weekend Plans

It was a rough week. I came down with a bad cold (or something) last weekend and was essentially out of commission for three days. The aches, sore throat, headache, stuffy nose, and chest cough finally started to relent on Monday, just in time for my birthday. Many thanks for the birthday greetings everyone. But there was little time to celebrate -- my eye became infected and I was back to being miserable. It was a mess. I decided to stop by a medical clinic on Tuesday for some eye drops, and that helped ease the pain.

Now I'm finally starting to like my old self again....just in time for the weekend. :) The forecast calls for nice weather, so we've decided to go to Zermatt. We leave tomorrow morning. It is Alpine week, which means lots of activities and discounts on guided mountain tours!! If all goes well, Pam and I plan to tour the Briethorn (4,164) on Sunday. The ascent to the summit is one of the easiest in the region. Better yet, the route takes us over a glacial plateau! We packed winter clothes just in case. We are both very excited and hope the weather holds. Hope to come back in one piece to share pictures. Stay tuned....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you're much better to take on some more adventures! Have fun!